How to program UV-K5?


First of all, we download the software from
and install the software.

UV-K5 program.png
Then we connected the radio to computer by the USB-K1 of programming cable

UV-K5 program.jpg
Please choose the correct com port.

only if here show the Com port means successfully installed
UV-K5 program (2).jpgIf no, it means you have to download and install the driver, there are WIN10 WIN7 depends on your PC system

*iF fail,   Please try connect another USB Port;
*iF fail,   Please Restart PC;
*iF fail,   Please try another Computer.
any other solution,welcome to tell, thanks

Then we read from the radio and change the settings as we what then write to the radio. That is all, thank you.

UV-K5 program (3).jpg
this programming method work for other two way radios too.
